My Dearest is an Australia online fashion platform. The styles we carry are mostly designed and made by us, with love and for you - my dearest customer.
Instead of focusing on seasonal collections, we aim to offer pieces that hold timeless versatility and quality. We are constantly designing and making new pretty styles that are added weekly. Here you will find must-have clothes, shoes and accessories you haven't seen anywhere else. What’s even better, most of our product offerings retail from $50 to $150, making our site very affordable.
If you like our collection, feel free to become our affiliate and help us spread the fashion love by:
  • featuring one of our banner ads on your website/blog
  • forwarding your exclusive referral link to whomever is interested in purchasing our products.
In return, you will enjoy the following Affiliate benefits:
  • 10% commission on all sales generated through our banners or referral links
  • 30-day referral cookie
  • Free and easy joining
  • Text links, ad banners, coupon codes etc.
  • Dedicated affiliate support to answer any questions
  • Complete Access to all our latest special offers, Sales and Back-to-stock replenishment program
To apply to the My Dearest Affiliate Program, sign up below.

    Also, we are open to any ideas to better promote My Dearest. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please email us at

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